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Why do cats hiss?

Does your cat ever hiss? What does it mean when a cat hisses at you? Let's explore the world of cats and hissing.  According to, hissing in cats is an involuntary reaction to something that has startled them. I've seen my cat get startled by a small thing like me dropping my pen and let out a small hiss, then immediately relax again when he sees it was nothing that can hurt him. it's like when you might give out a little scream when something scares you and then realize it's nothing to worry about. My cat hissed then went back to being calm right away. He sometimes will start to groom himself then as if to say - I...

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Why do cats like plastic?

The litter box for my cats is in my spare bathroom. Under the sink I keep some plastic grocery bags to use when I clean out the litter box. One of my cats knows they are there and insists on breaking into the cabinet, pulling out the bags and licking them. She sometimes will pull one out and lie down on it too. So, what's the deal? Why does my cat lick plastic? If your cat licks plastic too, read on for more about this strange feline habit. Why do cats like plastic? In particular, why do cats like plastic bags? says that plastic bags can be interesting to kitties because of the crinkly sounds they make. The sound...

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The cat stare

Did you ever look up and see 2 feline eyes staring at you and wonder - why does my cat stare at me? Let's see if we can find out what's behind the cats stare!  If a cat is staring at you, it's important to take the rest of the cat's body language into account to try to interpret that cat's behavior. According to, if a cat is calmly staring at you, it is probably just curious about what you're doing and what you might do next. After all, cats are well known for their curiosity!   Your cat might also stare at you to get your attention. If it sees that it has caught your eye, it might try...

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Cat butt wiggle!

If you've ever seen a cat about to pounce on something, you're likely to have seen that cute little cat butt shake thing before it pounced! So, why do cats wiggle before pouncing? There doesn't seem to have been a lot of research done in the field of cat wiggle, but there are some theories as to why your frisky feline will do the cat butt shake before launching onto its favorite toy. offers a list of 4 benefits that a hearty butt wiggle might offer your cat before a pounce. The first is that a cat pouncing tests the ground underneath them to make sure it's sturdy enough to support their weight as they jump toward their prey (or...

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Why do cats like laptops?

It's a classic're getting ready to pay some bills, do some work or maybe watch a video, you get out your laptop computer, and suddenly there is a cat sitting on it! But, why do cats like to sit on laptops? I always assumed it was because it was warm, and according to that is part of it, but not the only reason! One reason for cats on laptops that bettervet mentions, is that they are curious beings, and see the interesting shapes on the screen and sounds coming from it and want to check it out!  Your cat might also be trying to mark their territory. If you see your cat rubbing their face against the laptop, they are using...

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