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Does your cat ever go straight from napping to crazily running around the house? It's a common trait of cats that is often called zoomies! So, what's up with cat zoomies? Why do cats get zoomies? says zoomies in cats is more properly called FRAP or “frenetic random activity periods”, and a lot of cats exhibit this behavior, although some more than others! Kittens have a lot of energy and may get zoomies more than adult cats, but the zoomies don't necessarily stop at a certain age.  One reason for a zoomies cat might be that it is an extension of their hunting instincts. Cats in the wild will run after prey, and while your cat doesn't need to hunt to...

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Cats in ancient Egypt

You may have heard it say that they worshipped cats in ancient Egypt, but is that true? Let's look into cats and ancient Egypt! quotes Monique Skidmore, a professor of anthropology at Deakin University to say that “Cats were not worshipped as gods themselves, but as vessels that the gods chose to inhabit, and whose likeness gods chose to adopt."  One of the ancient egyptian cat gods was Bastet and historycooperative says she was believed to take the form of a cat. She was originally depicted as a fierce lioness, but became the cat goddess associated with domestic cats and kittens. She kept harmony in the home and was the protector of mothers. Bastet's personality often focused on the nuturing aspect of being a mother, but...

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Chimera cats

What is a Chimera? In greek myth, it's an fire breathing monster with the head of a Lion, another goat head coming out of it's back and a tail with a snake's head at the end of it! I wouldn't want to meet one of those, but I would like to meet a Chimera cat!  Chimera cats are cats have have 2 sets of DNA because 2 fertilized eggs fused into 1 cat within the womb, instead of developing into 2 separate kittens. So, instead of twins, the 2 eggs merge. That's where the name Chimera comes from - like our creature of myth, the result is a being with 2 different individuals melding into one! This can happen with...

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Primordial Pouch?!

Did you ever look at your cat's belly and notice some extra saggy skin and wonder "why does my cat have a saggy belly"?  Well, there's actually a name for it! It's called a primordial pouch and all cats have one (even big cats like lions and tigers), although the size can vary from cat to cat, and it doesn't mean that your cat is overweight or needs some kind of kitty tummy tuck! Cat pouches are loose skin over the belly, and even slim cats have it. When your cat walks, you might see it swing from side to side. This is normal in cats! After all, it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing! Overweight cats...

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How much do cats sleep?

If you've been around cats a lot, you've probably noticed that they spend a good amount of their time sleeping. So, what's the deal with all that sleep? Why do domestic cats sleep so much?  First off, just how long do domestic cats sleep? According to more than half of cats sleep between 12 and 18 hours a day, and almost 40% sleep more than 18 hours a day! That's a lot of sleep - more than twice what an average human sleeps, so no wonder it seems like our cats are sleeping all the time! Of course, the number of hours a cat sleeps during the day depends on the individual cat. PetMD says kittens need a lot of sleep while still...

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