Is your cat spoiled?

Do you ever see your cat snuggled in bed and just think my cat is spoiled? But is it true? Is your cat spoiled? I did some research to see what they say on the interwebs, so let's look at some signs of a spoiled cat! 

Catcurio says one sign of spoiled cats is that they find the comfiest spots in the house and claim them for their own. If you find your cat already sprawled across your bed looking all comfy when you go to bed, do you work around them and let them stay as they are, even at the expense of your own comfort? You are probably spoiling a cat if you wake up with a kink your back or neck because you didn't want to disturb your sleeping feline friend! 

Another spoiled cat behavior is that they insist on an early morning breakfast, even on the weekends! In their defense, I know cats like routines, and so if their week day routines include breakfast at dawn, it probably makes sense that they would expect it on the weekends too. I "compromise" by getting up and getting them their breakfast and then going back to bed, and they are usually happy to join me back in bed once they finish eating. 

Going along with the food behaviors, says spoiled cats will be picky eaters. You might have had this happen to you, and if not, I'm sure you've heard stories of people who buy a food for their cat; the cat loves it at first, then stops eating it and the person gets stuck with a bunch of uneaten cat food and has to go in search of something that the cat will accept as an appropriate dinner. This is spoiled cat behavior! By giving in and giving it something else, your cat has learned that if they wait long enough to eat, they can get nearly anything from you! But, watch out for this one! If your cat suddenly stops eating, don't just write it off as being picky, it could be time for a visit to the vet! 

Another sign that you might have a spoiled kitty on your hands is if they insist on a little taste of whatever you are eating. They know how to use their cuteness until you just can't resist giving them a bite of your dinner! But, be careful what foods you share with your cats! Fully cooked chicken or turkey are favorites, but make sure they aren't seasoned with onions or garlic, because those could be dangerous to cats! Other human foods that cat's shouldn't share are grapes, chocolate, and caffiene, among others! 

Your spoiled pet might also be demanding attention all the time! If your cat is meowing at you every time you look away from them, or has to be with you at all times, even during that zoom call with the board of directors, you might have a spoiled cat! I prefer to think that your cat just wants to remind you of what is really important - them! 

I recognize a lot of these behaviors in my own cats, so I guess they are a little spoiled, but I prefer to think of them as pampered cats! And, you know what? They spoil me back with snuggles, purrs and headbutts!

Is your cat spoiled? Or just pampered like mine? 

Cover photo by Ayla Meinberg on Unsplash

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