Why do cats roll over when they see you?

Did you ever walk into a room and see your cat notice you, stretch out and roll over in front of you? It's a common cat mannerism, but what does it mean when cats roll on their backs?

Why do cats roll on their back? 

Cats may roll on their backs for a few reasons according to Catster.com. They may have an itch on their back that they can't reach, so they are rolling around to help scratch that itch. If you suspect your cat is rolling over in order to scratch their backs, it's a good idea to check with a vet to make sure they don't have fleas or allergies that are contributing to their itchy skin. 

They may also be stretching their muscles, much like you might do in the morning or if you've been sitting in the same position for a while. 

If you have an unspayed female cat, she might also be rolling over to signal that she is ready to mate. In this case she is spreading her pheromones to try to attract a male cat. Humans can't smell them, but male cats can, even from miles away!

TheSprucePets adds one more reason a cat might roll on it's back, and that is to cool off. They might be rolling on their backs on a cool floor to regulate their body temperature.

Those are all reasons why cats might roll on their back in general, but if they specifically roll over when they see you, there is probably a whole different reason! 

So, what does it mean when a cat rolls over in front of you?

If your cat rolls on their back in front of you, it's a sign that they trust you. They don't expose their sensitive belly to just anyone you know! They may even trust you enough to allow a few pets to the belly, but belly rubs can become overstimulating for a cat, so don't worry if they try to bite or scratch after a stroke or two to their bellies!

If your cat rolls onto it's back right in front of your feet they may also be trying to mark their territory. They put their scent in an area where your feet will soon be and when you walk through it, you are also marked as one of theirs!

Another reason for a cat rolling over in front of you is that they want some attention. You can't miss them if they are right in front of you, so it's a good way to ask for some playtime, some pets or maybe a treat! 

Does your cat roll on their back when they see you? If so, it's a positive sign that they trust you! But if not, don't worry. Cats are famous for being individuals and so your cat might just show their trust in other ways, like putting their butt in your face, or head butting you!

Cover photo by Anton Lochov on Unsplash

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