Why do cats like fish?

 If you ask anyone what a cat's favorite food is, they'll likely to say fish. Cats seem to be obsessed with fish! But, it seems strange that an animal who evolved in the desert would be so interested in a food that wasn't likely to be on the menu. So why do cats like fish (even if they hate water?) Can a cat eat fish? Let's look into the story of cats and fish!

There is a theory that the ancient Egyptians may have started the domestic cats taste for fish. According to mycatlifestyle.com, the idea is that the Egyptians wanted to attract cats to them in order to help keep rodents out of the food they had harvested and they used fish as bait for the cats. This seems to link cats love for fish with cats becoming domesticated. However, to me that implies that cats already had a taste for fish, if they were lured in by them! 

 Rover.com checked in with veterinarian Danielle Page to dig deeper into why cats like fish so much. One of the reasons seems to go hand in hand with the domestication theory, which is that cats are opportunistic and will go for an easy meal instead of hunting for one if they have the chance. So, if fish is. on your menu, they'll be happy to call it dinner too! 

 Another reason is that fish smell good to cats. Mycatlifestyle suggests that that fishy smell may explain why cats maybe particularly drawn to tuna and salmon.

 Another reason has to do with the taste. Rover.com says that cats can taste when foods are high in amino acids. One amino acid that is high in fish is Taurine and it is essential for good eye, heart and digestive health. Cats can not produce Taurine on their own like other mammals can, so they may be attracted to the taste as something that is good for them. Psychologytoday says that since cats are meat eaters, cat's tongues are more keyed in to umami flavors, and that fish fits that flavor profile perfectly. Since humans have evolved to seek out sweet foods, we look toward sweet foods, and cats will look toward more meaty foods. They say to a cat, a fish is as appealing as an ice cream sundae would be to us! 

So now we know why cats might like fish, but should cats eat fish? Is fish bad for cats? 

Rover.com notes that Dr. Page says a fish-only diet will result in nutritional deficencies for your cat, but that adding fish to their diet can have some benefits. Fish is high in protein, which is good for carnivorse like cats, and oily fishes like salmon can be high in Omega 3 fatty acids, which are good for their coat and joints, and may help if they have environmental allergies too! Plus, we already mentioned that fish contains Taurine, which is good for eyes, heart and digestion! 

Be sure that your cat only eats cooked fish though! Raw fish can contain bacteria like Salmonella or transmit parasites like tapeworms. Rover.com also says that raw fish contains Thiaminase, which breaks down thiamine. Thiamine is an important vitamin and a deficiency of it could cause seizures, tremors or even death! So, no raw fish for your feline friends! 

It's always best to check with your vet before making any changes to your cats diet. Once you get the go ahead, the easiest way to add some fishy goodness to your cat's diet is with pre-packaged fish for cats, which could include toppers that go with their regular meal, treats, or a fish oil supplment. If you are thinking of a fish oil supplment for your cat, make sure you use one especially for cats - no fish oil supplments meant for humans! Canned tuna might also be a nice treat for your cat, but only in occasional, small portions. Tuna has high levels of mercury which can be toxic if it builds up in a cat (or a person!).

Some cats are allergic to fish though! Some cats may vomit or have diarrhea if they are allergic and eat fish, but other signs of allergies aren't as easy to associate with their diet. These include itchiness, redness and increased shedding, so if you see any of those signs, it's best to get a vet involved to see if they have have allergies. If you find your cat is allergic to fish, it's best to eliminate it from their diet. There are still plenty of other proteins to keep your cat happy and healthy!

Cover photo by ATW22 on Unsplash

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