Does my cat like me?

Did you ever look at your fuzzy little feline friend with stars in your eyes and wonder: Does my cat like me? Or maybe I'm just a heating pad/can opener that they put up with until they can one day get out the door to start their plan for world domination. How can I tell if my cat likes me?

All cats are individuals and have their own ways of showing affection, which can be hard to interpret, especially if you are just starting out as a cat parent, but if you are wondering how can you tell if your cat loves you offers some ways that cats show affection that you can look for. Not all cats will do all of these, and some will be more demonstrative than others. But if you see some of these signs, you can more confidently say "my cat loves me!"

 How do cats show affection?

Some things that cats do as signs of affection might not seem that friendly from a human perspective. One example is that a cat might bring you presents, and from a cat's perspective there is no better present than a dead mouse! says that in the wild, they would bring prey home to their family, so bringing you a present, even if it's just a mousy toy, is their way to show you that you're part of the family! 

Another thing that you might not like too much, but is actually a sign of affection is if your cat puts your butt in your face. They are showing that they trust you, and maybe also trying to get your attention for some pets or playtime. Afterall, it's hard to ignore someone whose butt is in your face! 

Another sign that your cat likes you that might seem a little odd is if your cat headbutts you. One of our cats headbutts pretty hard, but it's just his way to show his appreciation - and get his scent on me, which then makes me part of his group. Cats can also rub their scent on you by nuzzling their cheeks on you. They might do it to your hand or head, or if you are standing, they'll often rub their cheeks against your legs. If your cat is headbutting or rubbing you with their cheeks, it may also be looking for attention, so it might be a good time for some pets or playtime to help strengthen your bond. If they accept some petting from you after headbutts, it's sign that you have a good bond with your cat!

There are some other signs that your cat likes you that are a little easier to interpret. Purring, for example, is often seen as a sign of contentment, but even that can be hard to gauge if you're just starting to build a relationship with your cat. Cats can sometime purr to soothe themselves if they are anxious, so you'll have to watch their body language too. If their body is relaxed and they are purring in your presense, it's a good sign! 

 Another way you can tell if your cat likes you is if they sleep with you or on you. Cats feel vulnerable when they sleep, so if they sleep with you, it's a good indication that they feel safe with you. 

Another sign that you might see from your cat is a "slow blink". If your cat slowly closes its eyes and then opens them again while looking at you, you have just been the recipient of a kitty kiss! You can return the sentiment by slowly blinking your eyes back! 

 Another thing cats only do when they are feeling safe is show you their belly. Their bellies are a soft spot for your cat where their organs are vulnerable, so they will only expose their bellies to those that they trust. Even though they are saying they trust you, not all cats enjoy belly rubs, so be careful about touching their belly. You can try a few light strokes and see if they like it, but back off if they seem to get irritated. If they roll back so that their belly is covered, it might just mean that they prefer pets along their back, so you could try to continue petting and see if they enjoy that better than a belly rub. 

 A cat might also lick you to show affection. Cats groom each other to build bonds, so a cat grooming you could be their way to show you are one of the family to them!

 Kneading is another way that your cat can show love. It might not feel that good to you if your cat is kneading on you because of their sharp claws. Keeping a blanket between you and your cat can help, as can making sure they have things to scratch to help keep their claws from growing too long or keeping their claws trimmed. When a cat kneads on you, it can be a sign of affection in itself and it's also a way for them to mark you with their scent, like rubbing their cheeks on you that we talked about earlier. But, your cat might just move their paws like they were kneading, even if it it's not actually kneading on you. 

Another thing that is a cats way of showing affection is if they follow you around, or always want to be in the same room as you. Anyone who has a cat and works from home can know that this one can be a challenge. But, try not to be annoyed when your cat walks across your keyboard or wants to sit on your lap during a zoom call - they're just saying I love you! Even if your cat isn't quite as clingy as always wanting to be with you, even approaching you can be a good sign that you are building a good relationship with your cat. 

 Thecatsite adds a few more signs your cat loves you. One way is if they stretch and yawn when they see you. They have noticed you are there and woke up to greet you because they love you! 

Another way is by meowing or chirping at you. Cats may not speak in words, but after some time communicating with your cat, you may notice different sounds that they make at different times, like a different meow for treats than for when they knocked their favorite toy under the refrigerator. Knowing your cat well enough to understand what it is asking is a sure sign you have a close bond!

My cats do a lot of these things, so I feel pretty safe in saying my kitty loves me. What about you? Does your cat do a lot of these things? Are their other things that your cat does that are signs your cat loves you? 

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